Amazing program to help you succeed as an independent travel agent

Do you think at becoming an independent travel agent? There are money to be made but also many other benefits. And, most important thing, the entry barrier in the travel agents universe can be easily passed with the help from the right tools, in this case i’m talking about specialized independent travel agents platforms like
You have a passion for travel AND helping others. So A passion for travel is a GREAT reason to become a travel agent, but not so you can satiate your never ending hunger for more travel. Rather, a much better reason to become a travel agent is to channel your passion for travel in the direction of sharing whatever life changing results you have realized through travel to others. In other words, the best reason to become a travel agent is to combine your passion for travel with a passion for helping people.
Key qualities and skills for travel agents ? As you can see, there is a lot of information to be gained when you spend a little time chatting to your customers and getting to know them a little better. It’s no problem to write some of their wishes down on paper, especially if you promise them to look some things up for them and contact them later with some ideas. Find additional info on Become a Travel Agent.
Travel agents advantages over online booking websites ? They offer insurance. From guaranteeing your hotel is available to knowing if the excursion company is legitimate, booking through a travel agent ensures travelers will not get duped. And they provide insurance for medical emergencies and trip cancellations. They’re there 24/7. Travel agents are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They’re there with you throughout the booking process and follow up afterward. On the other hand, contacting an OTA’s customer service line often means wading through a chain of people. Parson said she spent six and a half hours over three days speaking with Expedia’s customer service department.
If you need to cancel, you’d better do it in advance if you’ve made the arrangements yourself. Changing flights and hotels can get expensive and time consuming. Be prepared to make changes. Make sure you have printouts of all your reservations so if you are questioned, you have proof. If you’re doing the planning, it’s best to choose countries with good safety records. Conversely, if you’re visiting a location where safety is a concern, using a reliable travel agent makes sense.
Even though you’re working from home and may be miles away from our home office near Orlando, Florida, you’ll always be connected to us. Our comprehensive password protected Agent Support Site will amaze you. In one convenient location, you’ll have access to a multitude of tools offered through Global Travel’s Agent-Only Support Site. It’s your one-stop resource for everything you want or need to know about and your membership. Instant access to your account is available to every Independent Travel Agent through the Agent-Only website. This is the place to go for submitting a Commission Tracking Form, viewing commissions, administering your personal ResMax travel business website and updating personal information. Visit: