Remember the good old days of air travel?

Remember the good old days of air travel? When flight attendants were glamorous and always smiling, and the only thing you had to worry about was getting your seatbelt on tight? If you miss those days (or just want a nostalgic chuckle), then you’ll love True Tales of TWA Flight Attendants: Memoirs and Memories of the Golden Age of Flying by Kathy Kompare and Stephanie Johnson. Written by two former TWA attendants, this charming book takes a lighthearted look back at the golden age of flying. From bizarre in-flight emergencies to wacky passengers, these stories will have you laughing out loud. So put on your boarding pass and prepare for takeoff—it’s time to embark on a journey down memory lane!
Kathy Kompare and Stephanie Johnson were both flight attendants for TWA during the 1960s and 70s, often referred to as the golden age of air travel. In their book, they share some of the most memorable moments from their careers.
One of the best parts of the book is the authors’ candid descriptions of the sometimes harrowing experiences they had while on the job. From engine failures and turbulence to celebrities and out-of-control passengers, Kompare and Johnson recount some of the most hair-raising moments in aviation history. But despite the challenges, they both look back on their time as flight attendants with fondness. Johnson thanks the airline for “the ride of a lifetime.” Kompare writes that being a flight attendant was “the best job I ever had.”
Back in the 1960s sand 70s, TWA flight attendants were featured on TV and in film, and often rubbed elbows with celebrities, presidents, and popes. In True Tales of TWA Flight Attendants, Kompare, Johnson, and their former coworkers share some of their own celebrity encounters, including stories about flying with Dean Martin, Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, and Muhammad Ali.
If you’re a fan of aviation history or simply looking for a fun read, then you’ll love True Tales of TWA Flight Attendants. The high-flying pair have also included a charming collection of photos on their website, which adds an extra layer of fun to the essay collection.
True Tales of TWA Flight Attendants lands in stores on Oct 24, 2022. From in-flight romances to close calls with disaster, Johnson and Kompare’s tales are sure to entertain readers of all ages. Just put on your travel socks and get ready for a fun ride.